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 Welcome to Positive Outlooks!
Sexual- and Relationship-Coaching

The greatest challenges can give us the strongest resilience - and a path to happiness.

Individual Counselling


Face to face

In Barcelona

My one-on-one sessions are designed to help you navigate issues related to intimacy and communication. Face-to-face counseling sessions offer a personalized and intimate environment, fostering deeper connections and trust between us. 

Online Counselling


Online Sessions

I understand that it can be difficult to find time for in-person therapy sessions. That's why I offer online therapy services that allow you to access counselling services from the comfort of your own home, to feel secure in your own environment. Call or write me for a free 30-minute talk!

Workshops & Seminars


On talking, sharing, and playing

I believe in the power of education and outreach to promote sexual health and wellbeing. That's why I offer workshops, talks and seminars on a variety of topics related to sexual health and wellness, as well as community outreach programs to raise awareness and reduce stigma.


My Aim

I am committed to promoting sexual health and wellbeing for all individuals. I believe that everyone has the right to a fulfilling and satisfying sex life, and I strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for my clients to explore their needs and desires.

For I believe a healthy approach to your own sexuality is essential for your mental health.

Why Me?

From an early age on, I recognized the importance of therapy and counseling. Experiencing my father's incarceration during my teenage years to confronting my own HIV diagnosis, my past experiences and the therapies that followed have not only shaped my empathy but also taught me the transformative power of seeking support.


I believe that everyone deserves to have a healthy and fulfilling sex life. I offer counselling services to address your topics concerning sexual insecurities and disorders, or simply challenges in your dating life. I am dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and emerge stronger and more empowered.

Sexuality is an expression of your vitality. Sexual disorders and problems often burden deeply – they greatly affect our joy of life and our relationships. In our lived and fantasized sexuality, our deep-seated and unconscious motives, ideas, and conflicts are reflected. In our sexuality, what we cannot consciously process often expresses itself involuntarily.

I am happy to join you on your journey!

In both German and English

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